Dirtside to epic conversions
From: Peter Ramos <pramos1@i...>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 14:32:18 +0000
Subject: Dirtside to epic conversions
Over sevral months I have compiled many ideas and conversions for GW's
line of
epic miniatures. I have these handwritten over several several notbooks
and to
transcibe them on to the computer might be quite lengthy. My question
is, is
there a demand for this sort of thing? Is there interest for such
conversions? I
would like some opinions before I dedicate the time to make all my notes
into a
more mangable form.
On a side note, I have seen that a series of figs for DS II are becoming
available. Does anyone know what else is in the makings? Will we see
armor troops and other armored vehicles?
Thank you all for your time.