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Re: What do FT/MT players use to represent missiles?

From: "Peter Mancini" <Peter_Mancini@o...>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:49:19 -0400
Subject: Re: What do FT/MT players use to represent missiles?

One guy in our club bought a pack of weapons for model makers (basically
missiles, drop tanks, and bombs for aircraft), painted them up and
them.  They look great as missiles, but they are a bit on the large
What are the sizes of these missiles?


Game Masters <>
04/15/98 03:02 PM

Please respond to

To:   Full Thrust <>
cc:    (bcc: Peter Mancini/OneSource)
Subject:  What do FT/MT players use to represent missiles?

What do you use to represent missiles -- especially those of you who
fire swarms of them?  Perhaps you currently use paperclips, paper
chips, or pennies.

Superior Models is thinking about re-releasing their line of Starfleet
missiles (also know as CAPTACs), but can't guage the demand.  Would any
actually spend a little more money for miniatures that look more deadly?

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