French Fries - A Weighty Subject
From: "Peter Mancini" <Peter_Mancini@o...>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 12:02:40 -0400
Subject: French Fries - A Weighty Subject
Edmund Hon proved my point by saying:
>So what's wrong with mayo on fries? That is also how I like my fries
>and I am not Dutch - actually Chinese born in Hong Kong (that makes me
>culturally ESU) who now lives in Canada (so I'm legally NAC) and
>NSL fleet.
Try vinegar and lots of salt on your fries - mmmm, now that's good.
is ok, but lets face it, rather boring.
Clearly you are a counterspy - probably working for the IC and selling
services to OU, ESU, RH, and NSL. You know Casablanca and Bangkok like
back of your hand. You distract opponents with your mayo covered fries
that they won't notice the plasma gun you keep under your trench coat.
You are a dangerous man, I am going to keep an eye out for you.