Re: Dieppe
From: Mike Looney - ionet <mlooney@i...>
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 07:46:42 -0500
Subject: Re: Dieppe
Mikko Kurki-Suonio wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Alan E & Carmel J Brain wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall that they were supposed
> to
> send a British unit that had actually trained for that sort of stuff,
> but
> somehow got replaced with the poor canucks.
> > b) One reason for the raid was to cover a very secret operation to
> steal
> > some parts of a German Radar, vital for the Allied war effort. So
> vital,
> > that the sacrifice of an elite division would almost have been worth
> > it...
> This doesn't compute. The allies had better radars all through the
> war.
> After all, they invented the bloody thing. Why would they need to
> steal
> parts from a German radar?
For ECM reasons. Helps to design ECM if you have the threat system to
test against. Could be wrong on this, but commando raids on radar sites
HAVE been done for this very reason. (War of Attrition, Israel vs Egypt,
Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed. P. Opus
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