Re: FT3?
From: Jon Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 18:48:58 -0400
Subject: Re: FT3?
Ground Zero Games wrote:
> >>Were can I find more Info on the new set of Full Thrust rules?
> >
> >They're not out yet, but the Fleetbook, soon as it comes out, should
> >give you an overview of the transition step between FTII and FTIII.
> >
> >Mk
> Just to expand on Indy's answer, the Fleet Book is due for UK release
> of April (ie: in a couple of weeks or so), US release soon after (as
> as the shipment gets there). FT3 itself is still quite a way off being
> published - it may be this year or maybe early '99, depending on what
> gets in the way!
> Jon (GZG)
Does this mean that you'll bring some copies with you when you cometo
the 1999
GZG - East Coast Convention in late February? : )
Jon Davis