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Re: EFSB new ship comment and old ship question

From: "Scott Jaqua" <jaqua@c...>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 21:57:27 -0800
Subject: Re: EFSB new ship comment and old ship question

> Errrrrr.... didn't you people read my post.  THE SHIPS ARE OFFICIAL!!!
>JMS APPROVED THEM!!!  You guys sound like a couple of bible-thumpers
>denying that something that is proven scientific fact simply because
>"it's not in the bible."
>Mark A. Siefert

Yes I did read your post. Did you read my original post? Did you notice
large "IF" as in IF they are or are not official. No need to blow this
as I said it was one of many reasons  way I stopped playing STB. My
point was to find out where we saw them. I would like to get a screen
capture, so if a mini does come on the market, I know how to paint the
blasted thing. As to my other points about lots of other ships we have
and no need to make new ones up, THAT WAS THE SECONDARY POINT. So please
just pass it over if you wish.

Scott (who shouldn't write reply's when he tired) Jaqua

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