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Re: Alternative SGII APCs etc

From: agoodall@s... (Allan Goodall)
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 23:33:55 GMT
Subject: Re: Alternative SGII APCs etc

While we're on the topic of convertible vehicles for SG2, I saw what
looked like an excellent model for conversion. It was a German WW2
railroad car. Not just any car, though, it was armoured with what
looked like a Pzkw IV turret. Although perhaps a little narrow, this
thing just SCREAMS to be made into a grav tank. The main body looks
like they took a railroad car, widened it, and converted it into a
sloped, armoured box, then popped the turret on top.

I'm not sure of the manufacturer but I think it was one of the bigger
Japanese model companies. I can track down more information if anyone
is interested. It was in 1/32 (or, more likely, 1/35) scale and would
look good with over sized 25mm figures.

Allan Goodall

"Once again, the half time score, 
 Alien Overlords: 142,000. Scotland: zip."
  - This Hour Has 22 Minutes

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