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Painting Omegas for use

From: "BEST, David" <dbest@s...>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 08:24:41 -0700
Subject: Painting Omegas for use

For anyone painting Omega Class Destroyers out there and wants some
accuracy I thought I would pass this along.  At first I thought the
letter painted on the side of the Omega's nose(the grasshopper's head)
was always the same as the first letter in the ship's name but I have
discovered this is not the case.This is EXTREMELY confusing and I hope
it is just not due to continuity glitches

This is not exhaustive as I still have to examine my tapes more closely
but here is a short list
Agamemnon - A on starboard
Apollo - A on starboard
Roanoake -M ( the M's top corners are rounded)on port during collision
with Churchill but W on
      port when coming through gate.
Agrippa - S on port
Churchill - C on port and maybe on starboard (only part of letter shows
when it's launching	       fighters.
Nimrod - G on port (I miswrote my note,I think	this was on port)
Unknown - R on starboard when it and Nimrod were chased out through the
gate at B5.
Alexander - J on starboard, A on port.	An interesting thing is if you
look very closely at the closeup of Alexander's nose when it's closing
in on Agrippa you can see an A on the INSIDE surface of the port panel.
Heracles - H on port
Pollux - P on port  - Both Heracles and Pollux are named as the ships
that opened fire on civilian transports but the onlyl letter visible to
me was a starboard A when the ships come through the gate.  I have heard
that they used an image of Agamemnon but that may have been based on the
A so possibly either Heracles or Pollux have an A on the starboard.
Nemesis - I could not get a clear image but it sort of looked like N on
Juno - doesn't show that area of the ship
Vesta - V on starboard
Furious - F

Nova class Schwarzkopf - J within a square with yellow and black lines

As you can see there seems to be no consistency. This could just be
sloppiness or some convoluted scheme.  I don't think they represent
group designations as any groups shown have different letters.	I even
jokingly suggested they might be "mint marks" for where they were
constructed.  If anyone has any solid info on this I would love to hear
from them.  This may be off topic but I will be using my ships for FT as
well as EFSB so there is a connection.

David Best

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