Re: Loss of platoon/company leaders, was Re: SG2 Rules and such,
From: Andy Cowell <cowell@i...>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 10:05:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Loss of platoon/company leaders, was Re: SG2 Rules and such,
In message
<>, "G
lover, Owen" writes:
> IMHO this is one of those sections of the rules that are currently
> uncomplicated and it would be nice to leave it that way.
I just find it unsatisfying that a command unit that can make such a
difference in the game through motivating and reactivating squads can
be removed with no real negative aspect (other than "you don't get one
anymore.") Why not look for simple, uncomplicating rules to simulate
this in SG2?
Andrew E. B. Cowell <>
Systems Administrator, Internet Design Group, Inc.