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Re: Space Terrain

From: Trevor <adspirit@p...>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 14:27:26 +1000
Subject: Re: Space Terrain

John Crimmins wrote:
> Thinking about the game that I will be running this weekend, I've been
> giving some thought to the matter of making the board look as visually
> appealing as possible.  The problem, of course, is that there is
> not all that much to see in outer space....  So, I was wondering what
> people use for "terrain" on their FTII boards.  We use lava rocks as
> asteroids, some of which have been mounted on flight stands--I intend
> replace these with some artificial foam rocks, as the bases will
> snap off of the rock at even the slightest hint of an impact--and
> pulled out into "nebulas".  These give a -1 to any shots that pass
> it.  I've seen a planet that someone made, using a plastic hemisphere,
> intend to do the same at some point soon.  Does anyone else do
> neat and different?  I'd like to hear about anything at all.
> John Crimmins
> johncrim@voicenet.comJohn 
I myself are new to Full Thrust, but have played several home spun SF 
games and some stuff that I've seen on table tops are: 
Swarms of meteors, ie clusters of smaller volcanic rocks mounted 
together on one stand. 
Derilict space ships with seperated parts carefully mounted seperate 
sections giving the look of every piece drifting along in space 
together at the same rate.
A model of a comet: This was actually sculpted from DAS and painted up 
(tail and all)looked really good too.
There is a lot of junk floating around planets and between them.You 
could probably make up a model of an out of control comunication 
sattelite or a forgoten about explorer like Pioneer or Voyager (STAR 
TREK)and have it hurtle across the table top (at the guy who'se winning 
of course).
Just think maybe instead of an asteroid field you could have a drifting 
garbage dump (Quark), drifting launch boosters that escaped gravity, 
bits of Death Stars etc. etc. etc. (THE KING AND I)
You could have escape pods or EVA pods drifting around although they 
would be quite small.
For planets etc ive got a couple of polystyrene 1/2 hemispheres that sit

flat on the table but even with a good paint job they never look 
relistic. Maybe because they're too small or something. 
Any way thats my brain picked
Regards Trevor Dow Torquay,Australia.

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