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Re: Loss of platoon/company leaders, was Re: SG2 Rules and such,

From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 23:12:05 -0500
Subject: Re: Loss of platoon/company leaders, was Re: SG2 Rules and such,

I can't speak for other armies but in the US Army you woudln't have the
Platoon Sgt
and the Plt Ldr in a geographically co-located command group together.
For instance
the platoon leader (unless it's an LT that has been around for a while,
the platoon
Sgt will run the platoon and the Lt will watch and learn), normally
hangs out just
behind the pooint squad with his RTO and an MG team or thw whole weapons
Squad. The
platoon Sgst usually is with the trail squad. During bounding overwatch,
platoon Sgst and the platoon leader are again not physically located

During halts the platoon Sgt will come up to the Plt Ldr or visa versa
to confer on
pressing matters(like "where are we sarge?" or "what should we do
next?"). Getting
hit then will be unfortunate for the platoon.

Now as Tom stated any operations order clearly delineates the chain of
command and
who will take over. Unless the platoon's elements are seperated and out
of commo
(not something that usually happens as platoons usually fight as a whole
split up on patrols), then it will be clear that the LT and PSGT are
down and then
the next senior Sgt takes over. Again the exact order is stipulated well
in advance
and ususaly not in question. Unless of course the next senior Sgt is a
dud and
anotehr informal leader is the guy that will really be taking over. That
might be
an interesting side rule to throw in for units of lower quality.


Thomas Barclay wrote:

> Andy spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> > In message <>, Thomas Barclay writes:
> > > Andy spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> > >
> > > > Historically, would another unit take over this spot?  I don't
know, I'm
> > >
> > > In real life, I'd guess your Platoon Sgt would step up to the
> > > If he was DOA, your senior surviving Sgt. Failing that, your
> > > corporal.
> >
> > Would these typically be in different squads?
> PSM (Platoon Sgt Maj) may well be with the Cmd unit. Each section or
> squad (depends on sizes) in the platoon will have a squad leader who
> would either be a senior corporal, master corporal, or a sergeant. So
> basically another squad would take over command function.
> If you know who in the command group is the LT, you can designate
> another one as the PSM to take over the command group and the unit if
> the LT drops. (unless he's dead too, then it would fall upon the
> senior squad commander).
> > > > Maybe something like this: After loss of a leader unit (Routed
or worse),
> > > > all units  under that command take a Conf Test at TL 3.  No unit
> > >
> > > How would such a unit react to close assault, IYO?
> >
> > How about this:
> > When a command squad for a unit is routed or destroyed, that unit
> > make an immediate Confidence Test at TL 3.
> >
> > When a command squad is routed or destroyed, the units it commanded
> > are considered leaderless.	Leaderless units are considered to be at
> > broken morale (if they were not routed) for all purposes until
> > is reestablished.  A unit may attempt to move normally without
> > being established by passing a reaction test at TL 2; if the
> > test is failed, the unit may not do anything else that activation.
> Not consistent with other rules. How about this? Test at TL 3. If you
> fail, you suffer normal failure effects (morale drops as normal, and
> you pull back 6"). A leaderless unit may thereafter not move or
> conduct a fire action without passing a reaction test (TL 2? maybe)
> which represents the individual initiative of the squad leader. If it
> fails, it does not move or do anything for that turn.
> > Leadership may be reestablished by the next unit in command taking a
> > reorganize action.	Once leadership is reestablished, units under
> > command may move normally after passing a normal reaction test.
> If the PSM is alive, let him take a reorg on the command unit and if
> he succeeds, then he's back in command. He may have to comm his
> troops to get actions happening, if they've beat feet. After this
> reorg is succesful, He may activate the squads as the normal LT did
> once they know he's back in command - those within 6" know
> immediately when he performs his reorg on the command section and
> others will require a successful comms roll.. (Then unless you
> preasign the leader level of the PSM, use the rules from either the
> rulebook or from the SG2 webpage to determine his level).
> If the PSM is croaked too, the senior squad leader must  reorg his
> unit and follow the same process - leader level assignment, reorg to
> get the platoon ready, comms to locate out of contact units.
> Any unit of a reorged platoon not commed and out of contact with
> command is still considered leaderless as above.
> > > Next comment: If you're doing this, use the rules on the
> > > SG2 web page for leader replacement. They make good sense.
> >
> > Yeah, I really like those,
> >
> Of course, this begs the question: The commander is smoked. Your 200m
> left advancing through trees. Do you have any idea? Maybe, maybe not.
> You wouldn't get command from him (he's dead) hence you don't get
> reactivated, but otherwise you might just assume radio silence and
> plow ahead with your own activations and orders without any reason to
> suspect otherwise. Of course, I can't think of a rules based approach
> to this, so maybe its convenient to assume that someone always yells
> "They've got the LT!" over the radio....
> Tom.
> /************************************************
> Thomas Barclay
> Software Specialist
> Police Communications Systems
> Software Kinetics Ltd.
> 66 Iber Road, Stittsville
> Ontario, Canada, K2S 1E7
> Reception: (613) 831-0888
> PBX: (613) 831-2018
> My Extension: 2034
> Fax: (613) 831-8255
> Our Web Page:
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