Re: EFSB missiles
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 21:41:53 +0000
Subject: Re: EFSB missiles
>>This is for Jon
>>>Hi! I was wondering if there are will be any revisions to EFSB battle
>>>simulator to incorporate things like Minbari cruiser missiles or
should we
>>>just use the FT missile system. Before anyone says anything...yes
>>>cruisers carry missiles. Amongst the many pictures,sounds and avi
files on
>>>the Babylon 5 screen saver CD put out by Sound Source Interactive is
a B5
>>>display picture of a Sharlin listing the crew,weapons etc and it does
>>>missiles. This same picture is used on the B5 collectible card game.
>>>those to the missiles on orbiting defence platforms and we have a gap
>>>playing B5.
>>>David Best
Well, for the EA defence platform missiles you will probably be able to
the Salvo Missile Launcher rules that will be published very soon as
of the FT Fleet Book (due to roll off the presses late April). As to the
Minbari missiles, I can't really suggest anything as I don't know how
are supposed to operate - we've never seen them on screen AFAIK (unless
they are in Season 5, which us Brits haven't had yet...).
Jon (GZG)