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SG2 Rules and such, was Re: SG2 Question for WH40K Players

From: Andy Cowell <cowell@i...>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 13:21:38 -0500
Subject: SG2 Rules and such, was Re: SG2 Question for WH40K Players

In message <>, Andy Skinner writes:
> I'm not all that sure on what Space Marines are supposed to be able to

Make something up.  Give 'em d10 armor but not double their CC scores
if that makes them more 40k-ish.  Sorry, don't know too much about how
they should perform, but not everything will fit neatly into SG2 rules,
I'm sure, so feel free to bend them.

> for it.  The Space Marines were having trouble getting rid of
> suppression so they could shoot back, and the Imperial Guard was
> down a bunch of Marines.

PA guys are incredible, but they are not gods.	In my last game I ran,
the Heavy PA got stuck at the edge of some woods.  Between some light
artillery and one small arms squad being activated twice each turn, they
could _not_ get  unsuppressed long enough to do anything.  The other
squad slaughtered this small arms platoon leader's squad in CC, but was
left in the crossfire of three small arms groups that proceeded to
it next turn.

Question: what is the effect of the loss of command elements in SG2?
Not squad leaders, but platoon and company leaders and such?

> 1) The battlefield just looks neat at that scale.  :-)

I agree.  I like it when the figure scale is close to the ground scale.
I play with 15mm myself.

> 2) "The rules seem needlessly complex."  I think this idea went away
> we played the game, and it became clear that the same mechanics are

I always warn new players that, despite how complicated the rules look
first, they make sense and are easy to internalize quickly.

> 4) While playing Necromunda, we were talking about leaders being the
> guys with the biggest stats, typically GW.  In SGII, our leaders did
> nothing the whole game but activate squads.  I still have to read
> for EW, observing, etc.

That is your leaders real power, that he can activate squads and rally
troops.  Necromunda is fun, but you're talking apples and oranges
or maybe comic books and gritty fiction.  :)

<---<*** Insert whine for skirmish level SG2 rules here. ***>--->

> 5) I think it was pretty clear that morale, leadership, and troop
> quality were the most important issues in the game.

Yup.  I think Leadership is the most important.  That, and accurate,
quick ortillery with a 12" blast radius!  (stressing ACCURATE!)

Andrew E. B. Cowell <>
Systems Administrator, Internet Design Group, Inc.

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