Re: going to try SGII (long)
From: Andy Skinner <askinner@a...>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 11:08:24 -0500
Subject: Re: going to try SGII (long)
Jonathan white wrote:
> In the main rules you can 'split' the support weapon off and fire it
> separately if you wish. If you want to split your small arms fire I
> you would have to detach a group from the squad (making two mini
> and work your fire like that. There are rules for making detached
> Basically, your 'main' group would use one action to fire and the
> would use the other action to activate the detached group, who could
> fire at a separate target. The main rules tend to imply that if a
> targets something, they all shoot at it.
I get the impression that this is correct as well, but I agree with your
use of the word "imply". I'm not at all sure what it is intended to be.
> >3) Do you make a decision about whether a move is normal or a combat
> >move, or does the situation (as judged by both players) always
> >determine? Or both, in that if the situation is obviously under fire
> >you make a combat move, in other situations you decide?
> My group declares when they begin the action - you either say "I'm
> this group" in which case it's normal 6" or whatever or you say "I'm
> a combat move to that {thing} there" in which case you roll the dice.
But do you decide which it is going to be based completely on which you
would rather do, or does the situation determine which kind of move it
is going to be?
In other words: Is a move possibly threatened by fire (I assume this is
in the judgement of the players) always a combat move, and is a move
judged by the players to not be threatened always a normal move? Or can
you you just pick which you want to do? Or do you always move a combat
move under fire, but can choose a combat move when you are not under
fire? (Again, assuming players have to judge what is under fire.) (I
rolled a 1 and two 2s for my combat moves. :)
> >4) If you get more potential hits than there are figures in the
> >squad, do the potential hits get applied more than once to those
> >figures?
> I don't know if this is official but it's a house rule of ours that
yes you
> can. Furthermore any wounded figure CAN take another hit from the same
> burst of fire and if wounded again is considered dead. (We rule that
> wounded figures cannot be targeted in subsequent bursts of fire).
Any other thoughts on the officialness of this?
Andy Skinner