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Re: GZG East Coast Con Report

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 23:17:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: GZG East Coast Con Report

Excerpts from FT: 3-Mar-98 Re: GZG East Coast Con Report by Jerry 
> Memories:
> 1)  Stuart Murray yelling 'Bollocks!! I don't want to be SHOGUN!'

Heehee.  Trying out Nuclear War was kinda neat, too.  (Hmm, think I'll
nuke Kochte for the heck of it.... ^_- )

> 2)  A damned DSII walker surviving 24 GMS/H missile attacks over 6

<grin>	Hey, you did manage to immobilize and damage it.  You just never
*killed* it. ^_^

> 3)  Me drawing a 2 red 0, 2 yellow 0, and 1 green 0 chits in the same
>     game on a chit draw.

Now, now.  I don't think you ever did *quite* that badly.  As I recall,
though, you did draw three red/yellow zeros and two green chits, when
only the reds & yellows counted.  One of the more impressive things I
saw that weekend. ^_-

> 4)  Indy hitting a ship with Pulse Torps.

As has been pointed out, they were pulse torp *fighters*.  Not *quite*
the same thing, though still impressive.

Meanwhile, I kept up my streak with pulse torps, hitting once out of 7
or so shots fired, all from less than 12". <sigh>

> 8)  The little cafe two blocks from the hotel where I had breakfast on

>     the Saturday.

*Great* food.  Of course, we'd walked all over creation (well, okay,
circled the hotel ^_- ) before finding it... just made it all the
better. ^_^

> 9)  All the nice minatures everywhere.

Oh, yeah.  *Lots* of nice minis....

		    Aaron Teske 

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