Re: GZG East Coast Con Report
From: Jim Bell & Christine Hartig <jnbell@i...>
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 19:22:51 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG East Coast Con Report
Jerry Han wrote:
> It was a good Con, and it was really good to put faces to the names
> I've seen flying by. Thanks again to Mark and Jon D. for organizing
> things, and thanks to the people who got sucked into the Harrington
> playtest.
I did learn a very important lesson in that game Jerry, don't close to
point blank range with a Superdread and expect to live very long.
> Memories:
> 1) Stuart Murray yelling 'Bollocks!! I don't want to be SHOGUN!'
I think that I was the only player in that game that wasn't Shogun at
somepoint. Though I think that was due to the fact that I was using the
black powder weapons while most people were honourable, but I did serve
many different Shoguns, thanks to Jason.
> 2) A damned DSII walker surviving 24 GMS/H missile attacks over 6
> 3) Me drawing a 2 red 0, 2 yellow 0, and 1 green 0 chits in the same
> game on a chit draw.
> 4) Indy hitting a ship with Pulse Torps.
Those were only Torpedo Fighters that Indy blow my BattleCruiser away
with, though I think that was due the PDAF iluminating the hull as they
completely missed the incoming fighter groups.
> 5) Centuari Primus Battlecruiser going FOOMSH from catastrophic
> 6) Being knocked out in the first round playing Nuclear War twice.
> 7) Qships that turned out to be Qships; except for the wrong side.
I hate when I'm right but in the wrong way. It was a good thing that you
kept the Heavy Cruisers close to the moon.
> 8) The little cafe two blocks from the hotel where I had breakfast on
> the Saturday.
> 9) All the nice minatures everywhere.
> All of you! Come next year! (I may even actually bring models. (8-)
Later Jim