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GZG East Coast Con Report

From: Rick Rutherford <rickr@s...>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 10:56:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: GZG East Coast Con Report

Hi all,

Congratulations to Jon Davis, Mark Kochte and Gil Huan -- the first
annual(?) east coast GZG convention was quite a success! I drove up on
Saturday morning (from Washington DC) and drove back Saturday evening,
so I can't comment on Friday or Sunday's events. Saturday, however, was
a hell of a lot of fun!

Twelve people showed up, and we occupied a single conference room in
the Brunswick Hotel. The games went very well -- I played Tom McCarthy's
Stargrunt/Kryomek scenario, and the bugs won hands-down, partly due to
Thomas Barclay's miserable die-rolls (sorry, Thomas!).

There were about 20 entries in the painting contest (I won 2nd place in
the Stargrunt category for my scratch-built 25mm scale grav tank, and
Stuart Murray's well-painted Stargrunt squad won 1st place).

There were no game dealers, but Geo-Hex arranged to have prizes given to
the winners of the games and the painting contest, and I think everyone
came away from the convention with at least one blister pack of figures
(thanks, KR!).

One thing I think deserves specific attention: everyone at the
was making a serious effort to be good sports, whether or not they won
lost their game. When I was trying to get some of my local friends to 
drive up with me, one of their arguments against it was, "why should I
all the way to Lancaster, PA just to get into rule arguments with a
of gamers?" (and my response was, "...and how would that be different
our weekly games?" :) However, we seem to have gathered together some
of the best people in this hobby -- the level of sportsmanship was quite
high, and everyone gave their opponent(s) the benefit of the doubt
whenever a questionable situation arose.

Rick Rutherford
Private Networks Group

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