Re: SF Quotes
From: "Jeremy Sadler" <jsadler@e...>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 18:50:47 +1100
Subject: Re: SF Quotes
>"I say we nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
>Ripley & Hicks - Aliens
"Okay, we waste him. No offense." - Hicks (Aliens)
"I don't know if you're keeping up with current events but we just got
asses kicked pal!" - Hudson (Aliens)
"Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?" - Hudson
"No, have you?" - Vasquez (Aliens)
"Die! Come on, come on, come get it baby! Come on, I don't got all day!
on! Come on, come on you bastards! Come on, you too! Oh, you want some
- Hudson (Aliens)
"Alright, gear up. Two minutes, people. Get hot! Somebody wake up
- Apone (Aliens)
"Hicks, meet me at the south lock. We're coming in." - Gorman
"He's comin' in. I feel safer already." - Hudson (Aliens)
"Is this to be a stand up fight sir, or another bug hunt?" - Hudson
"All we know is that a Xenomorph may be involved." - Gorman
"Excuse me sir, a what?" - Frost
"It's a bug hunt." - Hicks (Aliens)
"That's it man, game over. Game over man." - Hudson (Aliens)
And, finally, the immortal:
"Get away from her you BITCH!" - Ripley (Aliens)
I think I've seen this movie too many times.. <grin>
Jeremy Sadler