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Re: Hammer's Slammers

From: Tony Christney <acc@u...>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 10:35:51 -0800
Subject: Re: Hammer's Slammers

>Speaking of the Slammers for DSII, has anyone got a good house rule for
>powerguns, or do you just substitute existing weapons?

There was a good article on just this topic posted a couple months ago.
I'm sure someone still has it kicking around and would gladly send it
to you. Unfortunately, I'm not that person.

>Drew Losos			    | Will you follow me into fire?
>Industrial Engineering 0T0	    |  Into storm?  Into darkness?
>Toronto, CANADA			    |		Into death?
>GO NAVY!			    |	And the Nine said: "Yes."

Tony Christney
*     "Good, Bad, I'm the one with the gun"	*
*				- Ash		*

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