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Re: Real world? Re: DS2/SG2 Camouflage

From: Jonathan Jarrard <jjarrard@f...>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 09:35:26 -0500
Subject: Re: Real world? Re: DS2/SG2 Camouflage

Doug_Evans/CSN/UNEBR@UNebMail.UNeb.EDU wrote:
> In Steve Jackson's(the US one) Ogre Miniatures Book, the PSB is that
camo is superfluous in the future all-electronic battle field. The tanks
would be outlined in bright colors, keyed to side and threat, in the
holo displays that actually ran the battle..

I've never agreed with that particular contention (although I'm a big
OGRE/Bolo fan).  The electronic warfare environment described by Steve
Jackson is one full of heavy jamming and countermeasures.  Now one of
the least 'jammable' types of sensor is a visual one, whether it is your
eye or a camera.

I always pictured the big super tanks being tricked out in 'dazzle'
paint like was used on ships in the World Wars.  Since the actual
location that is hit on an ogre/bolo is important, breaking up their
outline and providing false visual clues about their actual size,
facing, and speed would be very important, especially if the beast has
succeeded in spoofing your radar/IR/MAG/etc sensors.

Unfortunately, my painting skills have never been up to the task.

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