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Re[2]: DSII damage chit chart.

From: Tony Christney <acc@u...>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 11:41:15 -0800
Subject: Re[2]: DSII damage chit chart.

Here are my last comments on the chart vs. chit issue. I'm not trying
to say "chart good, chit bad" or vice versa. Personally I don't favor
one over the other.

>So, if the original reason for looking at using dice instead of chits
>in case you accidentally lose some of the chits (and how are you going
>know - count 'em all?), then the SIMPLE answer is to buy a set of spare
>counters from GZG (available at moderate cost). You can forget about
>and complicated tables then.

1. The dice are already integrated into the game, so are readily at
2. If you look more closely at the table I wrote up, it isn't that
3. I've already counted them all. The table already exists. It is just
a matter copying onto a piece of paper.
4. Why not put the counter sheet graphic on a website? Now _that_ would
make things simple. All you would need is access to a color printer and
you're home free.

>Mike Elliott, GZG
>P.S. Spare counter sheets are available for both DSII and SGII.
Is this why you are being so adamant?

  Tony Christney

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