Re: Ceasefire and Summary (was FT Background)
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 08:32:19 +0000
Subject: Re: Ceasefire and Summary (was FT Background)
>>From: Allan Goodall <>
>>Subject: Ceasefire and Summary (was FT Background)
>>Date: Saturday, February 14, 1998 11:26 PM
>Speaking of autonomous fighters... anyone read "Ender's Game" by Orson
>Scott Card?
>That had a pretty neat twist on the whole fighter philosophy
>communication with fighters at the alien home-world sorta thing), I
>don't remember if they were remotely piloted or human piloted. I
>they were remotely-piloted (that was the point.. having children
>them (better reflexes) all the while thinking they were playing a
game.. ).
Haven't read this personally, but it made me think of a tiny throwaway
in one of my all-time favourite SF novels - M.John Harrison's "The
Device". A very, very "nasty" book in places, with some wonderful ideas
and very evocative writing. Look it out if you haven't read it. The
in question was that the Government "bad guys" used kids of ten or so,
hyped on combat drugs, to pilot their low-orbit interceptors.
Jon (GZG)