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RE: DSII damage chit chart.

From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 09:59:17 -0800
Subject: RE: DSII damage chit chart.

You betcha' ! However, as soon as I opened my copy of D2, my first
thought was 'Jeez, how long is it going to be before I lose one, three,
forty of these cool little chits ?' The chart I devised was a survival
move, pure and simple. In other words, I trusted in Allah to keep my
chits safe, and wrote up a D% conversion chart. For the record, I
haven't lost a counter yet....


> ----------
> From:[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: 	Monday, February 16, 1998 5:38 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: DSII damage chit chart.
> Hmm, yes okay, but the whole point of the chit drawing system is that
> it is
> a LOT FASTER to draw say 4 chits than roll 2 dice 4 times and look up
> the
> result on a table.
> Same probabilities, just a hell of a lot faster with chits.
> Mike Elliott, GZG
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> ____________________________
> _____
> Subject: DSII damage chit chart.
> Author:  Tony Christney <> at BULL
> Date:    15/02/1998 19:13
> >OK.	I'll admit up front that I'm an idiot.	I've got two copies of
> Dirtside >II and can't find all of the chits for either of them.  Has
> anyone got a >list of what chits there should be or a chart for
> rolling
> damage.  Thanks in >advance.
> Here is a chart I made up a while back. It uses two dice per chit
> draw, one
> is a D12 (1-12) and the other a D10 (0-9). The D12 counts as the
> "tens":
> 10-12 	Green  0
> 13-22 	Green  1
> 23-29 	Green  2
> 30-34 	Green  3
> 35-37 	Yellow 0
> 38-47 	Yellow 1
> 48-54 	Yellow 2
> 55-59 	Yellow 3
> 60-64 	Red    0
> 65-84 	Red    1
> 85-99 	Red    2
> 100-109     Red    3
> 110-114     Target Systems Down
> 115-116     Firer  Systems Down
> 117-123     Immobilized
> 124-128     BOOM!
> 129	Reroll
> You can use multiple sets of dice of different colors/styles to
> simulate multiple chit draws. In this case, in order to recreate
> the exact probabilites you would reroll exact duplicates of a
> single combination. For example, you would reroll two "60" but
> not "60", "64". The reroll for "129" is necessary since there
> aree exactly 119 damage chits. I suppose it would be possible to
> add another "special" chit if you want.
> Mikko Kurki-Suonio also has a chart on his website that uses
> percentile dice. His website is at
> A full listing of the rest of the available chits is on p.5 of the
> rulebook.
> Ciao,
> ************************************************
>   Tony Christney
> ************************************************

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