Ships steaming status
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 98 22:09:56 GMT
Subject: Ships steaming status
On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Phillip E. Pournelle wrote:
>In the United States Navy we have what are called steaming status that
>determine where our people are and how the ship is configured:
I seem to recall SFB had something similar - it struck me as a very good
idea there, particularly with all the multi-turn-arming weapons it used.
It would be pretty tricky to bolt this onto FT, though; since there's no
system for bringing ship systems on/off-line other than damage control,
you'd need to write that too...
Good idea, adds flavour to scenarios, let us know if you make it work!
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Vote Chris Bell for TAFF in 1998