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Re: Superdrone

From: Jerry Han <jhan@c...>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 02:15:33 -0500
Subject: Re: Superdrone

Brian Burger wrote:
> Supervehicles, as another poster pointed out, thrive in 'hothouse'
> enviroments - the feudal, restrained BattleTech universe, fancy
> armour/drives/etc - but in a system w/ 'realistic' rules these
> freak-vehicles are dead meat...

Supervehicles can survive and become dominant in an environment where
their size is also an indication of their survivability i.e. the 
vehicle becomes so large that it could take damage that would wipe out
an equivalent squadron.  For example, most space games end up favouring
large ships over small ones, because large ships can carry shielding
is lightly, or even not damaged by smaller weapons.

> Even in a 'hothouse' game universe, if you use a strategic campaign
> setting, I'd rather have half-a-dozen ships/units than one superunit -
> can be in one place, while I'm in half a dozen, probing and raiding...

Depends on my mission as well.	If I'm on defence, give me a pair
of Mk XXXII Bolos and stay away from my planet.  (8-)

> To finally get to my point, the SuperDrone is merely the
> supertank/Orge/etc translated into FT terms, with most of the
> such units have...

If the SuperDrone is as fragile as a conventional FT fighter, sure.  If
a SuperDrone is much tougher, then its a whole new brawl game.


Jerry Han -  CANOE Canada - -
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