Ships steaming status
From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 12:30:55 -0800
Subject: Ships steaming status
In the United States Navy we have what are called steaming status that
determine where our people are and how the ship is configured:
Condition I - General Quarter, all stations manned including DC.
Condition II - Wartime Missions: Specific wartime mission
stations manned
and enough to defend ourselves. Like CIII with a little more.
CII/AS - Anti-submarine Warfare
CII/AW - Anti-air warfare
CII/Strike - Fire missions for Tomohawk or guns, etc.
Condition III - Wartime Steaming. At least a third of the crew
up and at
least half of all offensive weapons stations manned and ready for brief
fight. All defensive systems loaded for at least one engagement. The
flying DC squad is manned in DC central.
Condition IV - PeaceTime Steaming.
These cover where personnel are and how DC fittings (doors,
hatches, etc)
are set. There are other things that are more detailed but that would
too detailed and run into classification issues.
Gort, Klaatu barada nikto!