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RE: GZG Mini and Dice collections?

From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 09:20:24 -0000
Subject: RE: GZG Mini and Dice collections?

On Wednesday, February 11, 1998 5:57 PM, Adrian Bruce

via a text attachment on a japanese code page?

>  << File: ATT00000.txt; charset = iso-2022-jp >>

>How many Full Thrust minis do you goes usually use in a typical FT
>I have 2 forces of around 8 ships each, mostly small stuff.

I bought JT's special packs which is a battle cruiser/ship and
escorts (6 ships) and carrier and escorts (5 ships). These are
a good deal and cheaper than buying singletons.

>I also have Dirtside II ( but have never played it!) .What are '
>typical  forces for that too?

DS II forces - starter forces per side - 2 gev tank platoons
2 gev APC platoons + infanty, 2 VTOLS, 1 artillery battery, Command
2 area defence vehicles, 3 scout vehicles, 2 super heavy tanks, 2 combat


This lets you play with most of the rules but the forces aren't huge.

>Also, what type of Dice collections do you guys have?
>What is normal?

Die collectors aren't normal :)
D6 about 50+, D4-D20 about 10 of each type.

>Seems all this isn' t needed if all we do is PBeM

I think some GM's do roll the die - GM's...

tim jones
Reality is for those who can't cope with Science Fiction.

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