Re: Worried about GenCon.
From: "W. Nitsche" <bnitsche@u...>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 10:08:23 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Worried about GenCon.
On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, Alfredo Lorente wrote:
> How many people actually go to those smaller "engagements"? And for
> Jon and KR at GeoHex, which are more profitable, in terms of sales
> per people seen, instead of total volume of sales? Or is that
> confidential info?
The smaller engagements is all we've got in the Greater Seattle area.
largest gaming con is Dragonflight, and even that generally only runs
between 600-1000 attendees. Then there's Enfilade put on by the NWHMGS
which fills one ballroom plus a couple meeting rooms. There are other
medium sized regional conventions which I don't get to, but nothing like
what's available in California or the east coast. How does Great
and the other European nations fair?
I've always been impressed to see KR from Geo-hex at the 'major'
conventions (he is out of Oregon after all). It's nice to have our US
source for GZG products relatively easily available. I hope he gets out
to the major conventions east of the Rockies.
A temporally displaced Bill Nitsche (
hobbit Oceanography, University of Washington