Re: [OFFICIAL] Re: National Characteristics?
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 19:09:28 +0000
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Re: National Characteristics?
>Good work, Jon!
>If the Fleetbook has not gone to press yet, I have the following
> Please include ships for some of the minor powers. If you are
>the view that they are purchasing ships from the major powers, please
>include a little blurb what power they are purchasing from (or what
>their priority is if buying from more than one source).
I may include some notes on minor navies if I get the chance, but a
detailed treatment of them will probably have to wait for a future
The main slant of the FB will be the four major powers' ships, and it
be pretty full just with them.
Jon (GZG)