Re: [OFFICIAL] Re: National Characteristics? AND EFSB question for Jon
From: Brian Bell <pdga6560@c...>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 1998 11:14:04 -0700
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Re: National Characteristics? AND EFSB question for Jon
> Oooo, the dreaded O-word! Shock of creeping evil empire-ism! ;->= Ok,
so it
> was appropriately used, and it was officially wishy-washy (subject to
> change at any minute). Feels weird in our laid-back atmosphere.
I, for one, appreciate the [OFFICIAL] designation. This allows Jon to
differentiate between when he is acting a just a fellow gamer, and when
he is acting as the author of Full Thrust/Dirtside II/Stargrunt II.
Brian Bell
The Full Thrust Ship Registry