RE: The Trojan Point Incident
From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 16:30:40 +1100
Subject: RE: The Trojan Point Incident
There are 2 results to this: someone starts a shooting war on the first
turn, & are killed by the incoming Kra'vak, or there is a sudden
outbreak of peace until the Kra'vak enter.
What are the stats of the FCT trade ship?
There needs to be some sort of trigger/negotiation factored into the
scenario (say every side rolls a d6, when the total is 10 or more, they
start shooting at the side with the lowest total (for cheating them!)).
'Neath Southern Skies
Give me a tall ship, & a star to destroy by her.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Leary []
>Subject: On subject...
>Please forward your guess/estimination on/of the outcome with comments.
>Principals: ESU, FSE, NSL, NAC, TRADE SHIP, and the KRA'VAK.
>Since the ESU has displayed hostile actions to the NSL over the last
>meetings in deep space, the NSL has asked for this meeting to resolve
>potential crisis.
>ALL+UN: A peace conference has been requested at the quadrant locus.
>parties are requested to send an ambassador upon a heavy cruiser with
>more than 3 escort ships. This meeting will be sponsored by the UN