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Re: Introductions (was: Age and Complexity)

From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 18:13:59 -0700
Subject: Re: Introductions (was: Age and Complexity)

>Well Sam,
>     I am probably one of the very few people on the list who
>knows exactly where parker Co. is located.   Should I ever get back
>to Denver I'll try to get in contact.
>     Question, is the little red Saab still sitting in the garage
>at the house on the right side of the road across from the roadside
>cafe on the way to Denver.?
>Bye for now,
>John L.

I think it was moved a couple of months ago, but I may just
not notice it any more.  <g>

- Sam

Samuel Reynolds

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