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B5 Spoilers ? (Was Re: Sa'Vasku ship diagram GIF's)

From: "Alun Thomas" <alun.thomas@c...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:36:47 +0000
Subject: B5 Spoilers ? (Was Re: Sa'Vasku ship diagram GIF's) wrote:

> BTW, anyone else watch B5 ep 5.1 tonight? [Mild spoiler removed]
> Also, who else thinks that [Another mild spoiler removed]

Try to keep in mind that we're not all in the US.
Here in the UK, season 4 only just finished before Christmas.
I think there are some parts of the world still on season 3.

Neither of your spoilers seemed particlarly bad, but without having
seen 5.1 I can't comment on whether they would "spoil" the episode
for me.

The first spoiler could tell someone who's not seen all of S4 that a
character survives , and I can see how the second could spoil things If
particular character's "abilities" aren't obvious when you see them

(No, I *don't* want to know why the're unimportant enough not to need a


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