RE: Valiant Miniatures?
From: "BEST, David" <dbest@s...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 06:03:57 -0700
Subject: RE: Valiant Miniatures?
I have heard that Valiant will be reissuing them this year. I agree
that they are nice
and I only have about 15 ships of differing types per side.
David Best
>From: Winchell Chung[]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 1998 8:30 PM
>Subject: Valiant Miniatures?
>Is there anywhere I can purchase some of the lead
>miniature starships made by Valiant?
>Or are they long "out of print"?
>Of all the lead miniatures, these are my personal
>favorites. Alas, when they were popular, I was
>an empoverished teen-ager, and could not purchase
>as many as I wanted.
>They did look nice as photographs on the playing
>counters of the game "Alpha Omega".
>*--- WINCHELL CHUNG ----* + ogre o mk-V * /-I'm
>|Nyrath the nearly wise | . +. | * . ' | Nobody at all. But the
secrets of
>| | .* \\_/|\_// + | universe don't mind. They
>| | ___/(o)|(o)\___ | themselves to nobodies that
>*-----------------------* ####"""""""#### \--OUTER LIMITS: "Galaxy