Re: Full Thrust/Traveller Conversion
From: jfoster@k... (Jim 'Jiji' Foster)
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 01:48:58 -0600
Subject: Re: Full Thrust/Traveller Conversion
>I can't find any examples! All the ship records I have are for
>small ships. The new "Starships" and "Imperial Squadrons" are no help.
>I've been looking for some old Traveller stuff like High Guard and
>High Lightning, but they are very hard to find!
These are from the Traveller Book (hardback rules compendium, 1982)
Mercenary Cruiser:
800 ton hull (unstreamlined), Jump Drive-M, Manuever Drive-M,
Powerplant-M (Jump-3, 3g accel)
Fuel: 318 tons, Computer/5, 25 staterooms, 8 hardpoints, 8 tons fire
8 triple turrets: no weapons in base design
5 ships's vehicles: 2 modular cutters, 2 ATVs, 1 air/raft
Crew: 8, Passengers: 17 (42 double occupancy) 80 tons cargo
MCr 445.95
Patrol Cruiser
400 ton hull (streamlined), Jump Drive-F, Maneuver Drive-H,
Powerplant-H (Jump-3, 4g accel)
Fuel: 160 tons, Computer/3, 12 staterooms, 4 low berths, 4 hardpoints, 4
tons FC
4 triple turrets: 2x triple lasers, 2x missile racks
2 ships' vehicles: GCarrier, 30 tons ship's boat
Crew: 10, 8 additonal troops w/ double occupancy, 50 tons cargo
MCr 221.04
Those are the only combat vessels in this book, the other designs are:
Scout/Courier, Free Trader, Subsidized Merchant, Yacht, Lab Ship, Safari
I've got the 'Fighting Ships Of The Shattered Imperium' book lying
somewhere, if your conversion system supports MegaTraveller. Let me know
you'd like some examples from it; there are a variety of capital ship
Jim 'Jiji' Foster / / Jiji @ AnimeMUCK / TIP #28
"That's the way we all begin," said Tom Platt. "The boys they make
all the time till they've cheated 'emselves into bein' men, an' so till
they die--pretendin' and pretendin'."
Rudyard Kipling, _Captains Courageous_