Prev: Re: How a minature should look Next: That time of year.

RE: How a minature should look

From: jfoster@k... (Jim 'Jiji' Foster)
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 18:35:24 -0600
Subject: RE: How a minature should look

>FYI - there are some plastic kits available from japan, see:
>But a lot of these are now out of production.

I know of a game store in my area that has a boxful of these sitting
around. Their selection is sparodic, but if anyone's interested, I can
some asking. These are the small Yamato plastic kits that average 3"-4"
long. Definitely FT dreadnaught material.

Also, forget ordering by name...almost all the box titles are in

Jim 'Jiji' Foster / / Jiji @
TIP #28
"He has here writ a letter to you. I should have delivered it you today
morning, but as madman's epistles are no gospels, it skills not much
they are delivered." -- Twelfth Night

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