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RE: 3 arc cost

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 15:46:13 +0200 (EET)
Subject: RE: 3 arc cost

On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Tim Jones wrote:

> If you take a WWII battleship turrent as
> a baseline. Most of these had a three 
> arc field or fire, but you payed the one
> off mass cost of the turret once. A
> more fixed mount weapon didn't pay
> for the mass cost of the turret but 
> had a more limited field of fire.
> So I would say any multi-arc weapon 
> pays a single mass cost, which is for
> the machinery to point it into the multiple
> arcs.
> As A beams are bigger than C-B then
> the mass/cost  of the A turrent should be
> significantly greater. 

I basically agree, but I think you have made an important 
omission in your reasonings:

Most of the dreadnought era battleship PRIMARY turrets had 3-arcs. The
secondary and tertiary turrets more often than not DIDN'T (the Yamato
design is a notable exception, placing 6" secondaries on top of primary
turrets for best possible field of fire). 


For the same reason none of the ships have a "tank-style" 4-arc turret:
You can fit only so many turrets on a ship before they start interfering

with each other.

3 or 4 centerliners with "3 arcs" for main guns with secondaries
where they happened to fit was just found to be the best choice (though
the WWI-era experiments were very interesting and neat looking ships --
WWII everyone's battleships looked pretty much alike). After that point,
people started widening the turrets or mounting bigger guns. 5 or more 
turrets just wasn't optimal anymore.

Sky Galleons of Mars has a nice simple system to show this effect, but
it's best suited to gunship -level. Ironclads & Ether Flyers had a
considerably more cumbersome system to allow multiple turrets. 

Yeah, space is 3D even if your board isn't and so on. But still there's
limit to how many full arc mounts you can fit on a hull.

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
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