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Stargrunt in 6mm: Dark Star Miniatures

From: denny.graver@b... (Denny Graver)
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 12:21:00 GMT
Subject: Stargrunt in 6mm: Dark Star Miniatures

Does anyone out there play in this scale ?  My first games of Borehammer
 �44 were all played using Heroics & Ross WW2 figures.

Apart from the cost aspect, table space comes into its own:-  a 2 x 2	
Terrain tile is the equivalent of 5 x 5 Table !

I hope GZG expand their proposed range ASAP, BUT UNTIL THEN -  I have	
seen requests for info on these figs.

Federation Marine and Heavy Lift Forces

FD - 1	  Puma HORV IFV [G]		 �1.95
FD - 2	  Lynx recon tank [G]	   1.95
FD - 3	  Tiger HORV MBT [G]	 1.95
FD - 4	  Hornet scout walker [2 per pack]    1.95
FD - 5	  Lancer MBT [G]		 1.95
FD - 6	  Stormer IFV [G]      1.95
FD - 7	  Marine/lift inf support weapons    1.95
FD - 9	  Marten Tank destroyer/Urban fighting	 1.50
FD - 10  Valkyrie Battle Walker       1.50
FD - 11  Grav rat with Marine crew [2 per pack] 	 1.95
FD - 12  Firely Medium Tank	   1.50
FD - 13  Firely PD vehicle [Quad 35mm cannon]		 1.95
FD - 15  Mid tech infantry [40 figs]	       1.95
FD - 16  Mid tech support weapons			 1.95


VT - 1	Zirhan HORV MBT [G]		1.95
VT - 2	S'orhan HORV IFV [G]				 1.95
VT - 3	S'orhan HORV CMD IFV [G]			 1.95
VT - 4	Zukat scout walker [2 per pack] 		 1.95
VT - 6	Marine/lift infantry [40 figs]	     1.95
VT - 7	Marine/lift inf support weapons      1.95
VT - 8	Tal'Joram MBT [G]   
VT - 9	Tal'zuran Recon tank [G]   
VT - 10 Zil'hiran IFV [G]   
VT - 11 Goran Tank Destroyer   
VT - 12 Grav sled with Marine crew [2 per pack]        1.95
VT - 16 Mid tech infantry [40 figs]	1.95
VT 17 Mid Tech support weapons	   1.95


KF - 1	Garun Battle destroyer MBT [G]	  1.95
KF - 2	Kuttak rahn IFV [G]	       1.95
KF - 5	Khiff infantry in power armour [40 figs]       1.95

Dark Star Miniatures
Available from Adler Miniatures.
129 Bonchurch Road, Brighton, Sussex, BN2 3PJ

P&P minimum 60p, thereafter 10% of order value up to a maximum of �3.
Inland, Ireland and BFPO minimum 60p, Australia & NZ minimum �1,   
thereafter 25% order value.
Telephone 01273 685 279.  No credit cards.

These are pretty good SF stuff with some of the best walkers I've ever	

seen.  Originally released as 1/200 scale, they are now billed as 6mm.	

 They also appear to be scaled down versions of Denizens   
Ventauran/Federation troops - KF5 troops look a little like
blah, blah) with largeish helmets.

I hope this pleases someone !

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