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The EFSB B5 Rules

From: kx.henderson@q... (Kelvin)
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 13:34:00 +1000 (EST)
Subject: The EFSB B5 Rules

Having had a look at the ship control sheets available from the
Eclectic web page, I have noticed something about the Minbari War
It seems to have a serious lack of fighter defence.  Lots of Beams, but
fighter defence.  I don't have the rules yet (wish I did) but I was
wondering how the Minbari cope with enemy fighters?  Are there special
for shooting at foghters with the beams?  We see the War Cruisers have a
field day against Star Furies in "And the Sky Full of Stars".

Just curious.


	"Young lady, in THIS house we obey
	      the laws of Thermodynamics!"
			-Homer Simpson

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