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Re: Missiles and Submunition ideas

From: PCARON <Pcaron@c...>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 09:18:29 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Missiles and Submunition ideas

On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, Michael Sandy wrote:

> Missiles and Submunitions are fun weapons, the problem
> many people have with them is that they are basically
> all or nothing weapons.  Well, here are a few ideas
> for fixing them.
> As I understand the cargo rules, a merchant ship
> can carry 1 missile per Mass unit of cargo space.
> Actually, the cargo rules aren't worked out anywhere
> that I could find, but that seemed about right.
> So why not develop some rules for ships which can
> transfer missiles or submunitions from cargo to
> launcher?


Our group is considering missile reloads from the "cargo bay"
of our warships.  Players mark the damage track with small 
dots, denoting where the missiles are.	We are developing rules
for uniform missile placement on the damage track.

Here's the catch... if you take damage and a missile bay was 
hit (ie. one of the marked damage boxes), the missile has a 50% 
chance of exploding.  If it does, roll for damage normally.
If more missiles are hit by this damage, roll to see if they
blow up, etc...  Could lead to a spectacular chain reaction ;)


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