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Re: EF Sourcebook FT questions

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 19:19:40 +0000
Subject: Re: EF Sourcebook FT questions

>In my flawed Titan edition of the EF SB I notice that the Hyperion
>Record sheet shows that ship as not having a Jump engine, is this
>intended or is it a glitch, it may  be cos I also notice the Hyperion
>does'nt have any Fire control syestems.......How many should it have???

Roger -
 Not having seen the US copies yet, I don't know if these are UK errors
things CE/WF left out when they did the ship sheets. I've checked back
the draft ship specs that Zeke sent me for approval a while back, and
Hyperion has 2 FCs but NO jump engine - AFAIK we've never seen one open
jump point of its own in the show, they use either fixed gates or come
points opened by Omegas or other big stuff. Of course, given B5's track
record on this sort of stuff we'll probably see one make it's own jump
point next week, just to stuff the rules up.... :)  [Case in point: P.62
the EFSB says Omegas have 550 crew, then in "Endgame" they say 1000 per
ship - ho hum.....]


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