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Re: WET THRUST CONVERSION - pounds vs inches

From: "Bruce S. R. Lee" <bsrlee@w...>
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 21:10:56 +1100
Subject: Re: WET THRUST CONVERSION - pounds vs inches

>Yes it is the actual conversion rules I want and what makes things
worse is
>the british work in pounds for some smaller guns how does this

The most common sizes that I know for WW2 (all services):
1 lb = 37mm
2lb = 37/40mm
3lb = 47 - 50mm/ 2 inch
6lb = 57mm
12lb = 75mm/3 inch
18lb = 75mm/ 3 inch
17 lb = 76.2mm / true 3 inch
20 lb = 84 mm
25lb = 88mm / 3.45 inch

As you will see there is some overlap which reflects the two systems of
measuring calibre in pounds - the smaller size is usually the weight of
sherical solid cast iron shot, the heavier numbers are for the actual
explosive filled 'conical' projectile - hence may variations around 75
mm -
there was a in WW 1 which was also 3 in.

hope this may help a bit, I do have some conversions for larger solid
if I dig around, but these don't really apply after 1900.

Bruce S. R. Lee

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