Re: B5 Minatures
From: Tony Wilkinson <twilko@o...>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 11:29:34 +1100
Subject: Re: B5 Minatures
At 09:29 AM 11/26/97 -0000, you wrote:
>Has anybody bought any of the B5 starshop minatures?
>The seem to be about $20AUS, here which seems like a good price, if
>are of a reasonable size and level of detail.
the only B5 minature I've brought (and one of the few
I've seen) was a
Minbari (spelling President Clarke...) War Crusier. The model is good
quality and needs little cleaning. It's rather fiddily to put together
worth the effort. I paid $20 for mine. I've seen one other.