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Re: Unfair Kamikazes?

From: David Petterson <petto@u...>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 17:36:30 +1100
Subject: Re: Unfair Kamikazes?

Hiya all,

>From Jason Stephensen,

>I personally think that the games we play are primarilly for 1) fun and
>2) to win. When people seem to be so obsessed with 2) the game just
>to become pointless.  I think that the influence of the Evil Empire
>has had a lot to do with this. I know that I much prefer to play fun
>then really really really competitive games. When it comes down to it,
>are just games.

	Here here!  I have stopped playing Evil Empire games because
most of the
people I played with approach it with a "win at all costs" attitude,
including using army compositions that don't make 'sense', e.g. one guy
actually had an army that had more characters than units.....

	As for the kamikaze tactics, we have a house rule that you can
only do it
if you are on your last damage track, an attempt to simulate the "take
of the bastards with us..." gung ho approach that is so much fun.  Makes
for some very nervous superdreadnoughts when the little guys start
rather damaged, also makes for some hilarious moments, one time a thrust
cruiser was outmanouevered by a thrust 2 dreadnought.... however if we
running a campaign people are rather loathe to ram ships, better to live
and fight another day.

David Petterson

Life is a tragedy to those who feel
A comedy to those who think

	- Denton

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