Re: FT: % or Fixed Mass Screens etc? The Case for the Defence
From: "Michael Blair" <amfortas@h...>
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 06:03:15 PST
Subject: Re: FT: % or Fixed Mass Screens etc? The Case for the Defence
Many thanks for answering my worries about screens and armour.
In defence of streamlining costing mass.
Streamlining involves a lot of additional mass, turning a box or barrel
shaped hull into something at least slightly stramlined is going to add
mass to the hull. Then adding thrusters, undercarrige and all the
'airplane bits' is going to add more.
A lot probably depends on your own image of stramlining, is a bit
rounded good enough or must it be airframe? I always assumed that fully
stramlined was airframe.
I should go back to Fire, Fusion and Steam or GURPS Vehicles and check
their numbers for stramlining.
In our campaign game I was fighting a desparate rearguard action against
ships being built anywhere but orbital shipyards, the idea of hordes of
little ships lifting off from any planet really bothered me. Again this
was caused by different perceptions, mine were earth based, late 19th or
early 20th century. You need a lot of industrial infrastructure to build
warships. The smaller planets were like Africa or South America, with no
industry to speak of, certainly nothing capable of building a starship.
Don't worry about the big guns, I was just extrapolating the curve a
little too far...
I am very glad to hear that penetration be become a factor.
Again many thanks,
Michael R. Blair
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