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From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 14:47:00
Subject: RE: DSII: APSW

At 08:07 AM 11/4/97 +1000, Owen G wrote:

>I seem to be a little confused here Phil; I thought the way the rules
>read the RFAC is LESS effective than a SAW vs Infantry. 
>Let's see:  SAW - say FP d10, firer's Qual Reg - d8, Impact d10
>		 RFAC - Fire Control Enhanced d8, Firer's Qual Reg - d8,
	RFAC impact is d10, with a superior fire control FP: D10.  Now I
not only
out range you (range bands 12 inches), out gun you and outdamage you...
	Other weapons such as the DFFG also come into play.  I would
just like Jon
to give us an example of a standard crew served APSW.
	Then I would like him to restate how heavy weapons engage
infantry in DSII
to ensure I'm doing it correctly.

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