Re: 15mm SF figures
From: Sprayform <>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 17:05:32 +0100
Subject: Re: 15mm SF figures
Had problems with your server, so apple ogies free to eveyone else on
the list
>Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 16:54:49
>From: Sprayform <>
>Subject: Re: 15mm SF figures
>Brian at 11:52 30/10/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>On to my point: I'm looking for names & addresses of companies that
>>15mm science fiction figs and stuff, suitable for playing GZG's
>...Me to ! I would be _very_ interested in your list when you complete
>>Does GZG still make their line of 15mm vehicles and figs? (Jon, I know
>>you're out there...) Failing continued production, could you be
induced to
>>restart production from your old molds?
>...I've pressed Jon T. on this as well, and its a question of time; ie
,FT3, the new 6mm range etc. He did however state that he would run the
'old' 15mm vehicle molds as a special order if I was interested (I would
prefer to see pictures first, but we could combine the order and get a
>I have his 15mm NAC and ESU (smaller versions of the 25mm figs.) very
they are to. These are @ £1.50 pack of 8 and include support weapons
(variations exist ,ie berret instead of helmet etc.) ,I hope he does
more soon.
>>Who else? I've borrowed a friend's old catalogs from TableTop Games,
>>anyone have experience with their stuff?
>...Yes, I played (still do) Their 'Imperial Commander' with the range
supported figures. Starship crews/Civi's/Merc's and most of the Police
are a MUST buy ! AFAIK they are the only ones in existance!
>The Imperial troopers are all good (in cbt armour) as to the support
specialists and most of the power armour troopers
>The redemptionists are fun and most come sporting capes
>Both ranges have vehicular support(ie troopers who are sitting or
>>Irregular Minis has a small line of 15mm SF, does anyone want to tell
>>what they're like?
>...Well its cheap (there are some crackers but I would _only_ buy at a
where I could see them first!)
>>Beyond that, I really don't know who or what else is out
>>loads of 15mm historical, quite a bit of 15mm fantasy, but very little
>>15mm science fiction.
>...AA (Alternative Armies) do a range for 'Firefight/Ion Wars' that are
closer to 20mm,, in cbt armour, but look fantastic (I use them for elite
troops {I have had african friends who are well over 6'5" anyway}),
>and will be getting more
>>I'm interested in lines currently in production, I know about the old
>>Traveller 15mm stuff, but it's no longer made
>...yes and I saw them first in the old 2nd hand bin at the show so hand
them over ! ;-)
>Jon (top cat)
>P.s. should be going to a UK show next month so will keep my eyes open.
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