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FT campaign rules and wet thrust

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 97 11:24:26 GMT
Subject: FT campaign rules and wet thrust

On Sat, 18 Oct 1997, Neil wrote:

>First, some time ago some one published, I think, a set of FT campaign
>rules.  I wonder if that person, sorry can't remember who, has done
>with them in the way of changes additions.

Um, well, there are two sets I'm aware of, and one of them is mine. :) I
haven't done much with them for a while. They're at my web page, I took some of the
elements from the campaign system of Reason, which was at though I haven't checked
this recently.

I haven't modified mine much of late because they seem to work. Have you
any suggestions for changes?

>I am seriously considering setting up a a play by e-mail campaign using
>these rules so any thoughts on this would be helpful as well.

Hey, me too! :)


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