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Playing with Rocks

From: Sprayform <>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 11:01:17 +0100
Subject: Playing with Rocks

Whilst we are on the topic of asteriods I thought someone might like
that I came up with a few years back!

Running the Gauntlet (A short senario)

   Rebel force: 	1 light cruiser
			3 frigates

Imperial force: 	1 battleship
			1 escort cruiser
			2 destroyers

The space board:	6 asteriods (at least ship sized)

The story:		The rebel forces have managed to steal sensor
IID data on the Imperial Fleets (to be used in the
later senario) and must deliver it 'home' to use it
			To help them escape the possie they are running
through an asteroid belt they have vector mapped.
The Imperial chasers must destroy the ship

The set up:		The rebel player places the six asteroids
on the spaceboard. The rebel player enters his
force at any speed along one short edge of the
large table.{Takes 2-3 turns before the imperials
enter at any point and speed on the same edge.} and
must exit (with the data to win)
off the opposite short edge. (s)he must write down
on which ship the stolen IID is kept
			The asteroid belt has a safe speed X ,if the
ships do not exeed this speed then they gain the
following benefit:-
			Each asteroid can only be moved once by the
for the duration of the game.
			One asteroid may be moved 2D6 each turn in any
			Any ship that hits an asteroid is destroyed as
FT, they also block line of sight as on FT.
			If the rebel player exeeds speed X then the
following occurs:-
			A random(1D6) number of asteriods move 2D6 in a
random(1D12) direction. On any subsequent turn that
the rebels move at speed X or less they gain their
benefit but may not move asteroids _they_ have
previously moved.

Notes:			X can be determined by the size of the table
			The Lt.Cruiser is damaged to some extent
on player experience)

Jon (top cat)
Sprayforming Developments Ltd.	      [production tools]
					   made in
				      [prototype  times]
  'The future is now'

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