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From: Chan Faunce <channing@g...>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 00:20:02 -0400
Subject: Asteroids

Ran a FT combat and decided to try having asteroids on the board. We got
into a discussio on how dense an asteroid field should be. I had 1
asteroid about every 12", they thought there should be a lot more (ie.
Empire Strikes Back scene with Mil. Falcon). How dense do other players
on the list place them? Does anyone know about the real life asteroid
belt: how close are the big asteroids to each other, how big, or small,
would one have to be to be a hazard, etc.

Chan Faunce
It is caffeine alone that sets my mind in motion.
It is through the beans of java that thoughts aquire speed,
that hands acquire shakes, that shakes become a warning.
It is caffeine alone that lets me roll the dice.

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